EEA Member Spotlight with Daniel Huang, CEO & Co-founder of BSOS
Aug 18, 2021
BSOS Medium
Enterprise Blockchain

As an EEA member, BSOS is part of the EEA community of organizations working to advance Ethereum and drive industry adoption. In the Q&A below, the EEA interviewed CEO and Co-founder Daniel Huang about how BSOS is contributing to the ecosystem to help Ethereum reach its full potential.


Please introduce your company and yourself briefly.

My name is Daniel Huang and I am the CEO and Co-founder of BSOS. I stepped into the enterprise blockchain industry in 2018, and I have more than 13 years of software development experience. BSOS is dedicated to resolving supply chain finance processes on authenticity and liquidity roadblocks via blockchain. We connect real-world assets in the supply chain with capital providers, in both traditional banking and the crypto world.

Our product, SUPLEX, is an innovative supply chain FinTech SaaS that introduces digital transformation as well as cash flow optimization for corporations.

What first brought you to the EEA, and why did you decide to become a member?

As we have cooperated with Quorum since 2018, (while still in J.P. Morgan) and finished a Besu use case under a special opportunity, we knew EEA. We perceived that Enterprise Ethereum is burgeoning at a rapid speed and we decided to take part in it; therefore, we joined the EEA, sharing and exchanging our practical experience with other members and contributing to the community.

What are you currently working on with regards to Ethereum? How will end-users benefit from your work?

We record the account receivables of supply chain finance transactions in the format of digital assets through Enterprise Ethereum. The participants include Taiwan’s top three financial institutions and its electronic manufacturing supply chain. Via our product, they can ensure the health of their cash flow and sustainable development of their ecosystem.

How will the EEA enhance your organization’s current efforts?

We can have more discussion and insights from other members through EEA’s Working Groups and Interest Groups, whether technical or commercial.

What EEA programs are you most excited about?

BSOS is most excited to participate in the Supply Chain Interest Group and Core Specifications Working Group. We also plan to participate in the soon-to-be-launched DeFi Interest Group.

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