Our Story
Established in 2018, BSOS (Blockchain Supply chain Operating System) is a pioneer of supply chain Web3 fintech solutions. Our innovative SaaS products bridge the real world and Web3, enabling enterprises to access liquidity in the Web3 realm. This facilitates the adoption of cross-regional, high-efficiency, and highly flexible Web3 financial services, ensuring resilience in supply chains and unlocking $43 trillion assets that was tied up in the global supply chain. BSOS is committed to delivering robust supply chain financial management solutions to empower enterprises to excel in competitive markets.
Technical Pioneer in Web3
BSOS is a key player in the global blockchain technology industry, with a focus on its practical applications. We are ConsenSys' first technical partner in Asia and have been involved in shaping the specifications for Enterprise Ethereum. Additionally, we have built blockchain systems for numerous large financial institutions. In 2024, BSOS played a significant role as the primary technical contributor to RWA (Real World Assets) DeFi - Isle Finance.
Strong Ecosystem Partners
BSOS has forged a deep collaboration with the ERP system leader SAP, successfully integrating with SAP systems through their rigorous audit standards. This achievement led to BSOS being honored with the Best Solution Award at the SAP competition in 2023. In 2024, we embarked on a strategic partnership with the stablecoin giant Tether, creating a compliant and secure stablecoin transfer channel to meet cross-border trade demands. Together, we contribute to the Web3 infrastructure that serves the physical world, making a significant impact. As pioneers in Web3 technology, BSOS strides alongside leaders in both Web2 and Web3, continuously innovating and leading the way in upgrading liquidity management for enterprises. We are redefining the future of supply chain finance.
Supply Chain FinTech Revolution
From internal systems within financial institutions to corporate self-finance and integrated Web3 financial services, supply chain finance is undergoing a complete transformation. Enterprises must proactively manage liquidity to address increasingly severe supply chain challenges.
From system digitalization and stablecoin payments to real world asset tokenization, we continuously innovate to enhance the efficiency of value transfer in supply chains.
Recognition and Awards
The Best FinTech Product
of 2024 award
The Best FinTech Product of 2024
The Best Potential
Enterprise 2023 award
Taipei Prominent Enterprise Awards
The Best Potential Enterprise 2023
The Most Innovative SaaS award
CSIC Awards
The Most Innovative SaaS
Best SaaS Product for
Financial Services award
SaaS & Cloud Awards
Best SaaS Product for Financial Services
Top 35 Potential
Blockchain Company award
BlockData by CB INSIGHTS
Top 35 Potential Blockchain Company
Most Innovative
Blockchain Brand Finalist award
Global Brand Magazine
Most Innovative Blockchain Brand Finalist
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